Inviting your employees to the platform will be one of your final steps once uploading all client, employee, and scheduling information to the platform. 

  1. To invite your employes to the mobile app, you’ll need to add them to the platform first. Here is an article that walks through the steps in detail: Creating Employee Profiles. After creating them, they will automatically receive an email invite to the app.

  1. If you'd like to send another invite once they’re added, click on the three little dots on the right hand side of their name from the employees page: 

  1. From there, your employee will get an email that looks like this: (Be sure they check their spam and/or junk folders if it doesn’t appear in their primary inbox) 

  1. Once they click the “Set Password” button, they will be brought to this page here where they need to follow the password requirements and add their password: 

  1. Once they set their password, they can visit the FirstVisit Mobile app (links can be found in the email) to sign-in and see their shifts! 

If you have any questions or run into any issues along the way, please reach out to [email protected] for assistance.